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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Question Sorceres's Rage Cloak???

    Umm, Wow! Isn't this a fine piece of legendary equipment. I mean it really blows away the LVL 1000 cloaks, that by the way most people don't know about until the reach that lvl or someone happens to tell them (I didn't at least). Why? Cause it isn't available! So, rhetorical question?? Why in the world would we make available a cloak that is more powerful, regardless if it is limited to 3 or not (that can change look at the beastslayer, changed to 15!) to ANYONE, regardless of lvl? People play this game to have fun and some of us really work our tails off to gain lvl's and power and just don't have a lot of money to spend. Then can be totally obliterated by someone who is 1000 levels below us! I know I am not the only one who sees something wrong with this. I totally understand that someone has a financial interest in this game and there is a monetary gain to be had, but did they ever stop to think that us players also have a fairly significant monetary investment in this game and if it weren't for that this game wouldn't survive. Yes someone new would come along, but now it would take $2000 dollars to match the abilities that even a decent 500 level player has and in today's economy how many people have that. Enough whining and verbal banter. Bottom line is, the cloak is VERY cool and yes I will probably get one, however I do not think it is fair for everyone to have access to it. I think you will also see, based on my conversations (and if they do as they said they would and post here) that their are many other people that believe this awesome cloak should be level limited. What that lvl is isn't up to me, however I'm thinking if lvl 1000 cloaks have +500 and this one is +750, someone smarter than I can do the math.....!

    Sorry I am whining, I just feel that money is becoming more important than anything else. We have players with 300K hp and are several hundred lvls lower than the top 10. My new catch phrase could be, "Even at lvl 2000, beware that lvl 5, he might have just got his tax check!"

    Bat out!

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    Stormms (05-06-2010)


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