I know that one big problem/complaint about clan wars is that some clans have many weaker, low point value member and only have one or 2 strong members worth many points will get rejuvenation cloaks for nearly every war they are in.
Since they have cloaks and cannot be killed they go after the biggest point value members of the other clan and gain such a lead in points that it is completely impossible for the other clan to make up the difference because they can only kill players worth 50-500 points while the other clan can rack up thousands of points on bigger players...I believe this is a serious issue that needs addressed because it is making players actually leave the game. i have a few suggestions for everyone to vote on to see which might be the best idea to suggest to the administrators
My favorite idea is lowering the time on the cloaks from a whole one hour down to only 30 minutes. reason being is that the shortest clan war without surrendering is one hour, so if the cloak only lasted half that time it would give the other clan the ability to actually catch up in points
any other suggestions are quite welcome too