yes it may b interesting about his ideas but it would degrade the game to the point of being unfair and boring if rc were so easily shared then why would anyone ever buy rcs again u make several alts and transfer all the credits to ur main character making thousands of useless characters on the site that do nothing and a handful of actual players buffed out and unfair to new players gold sharing is already part of the game with clan gold which can b givin to anyone in the clan and its pointless to b able to give items when most of them r level required to use or obtain especially since items r so easily obtained thats just my opinion i really like the set up that is in place now yeah sure it may have some flaws but atleast it is overall pretty much fair for everyone if ur weak u get in a strong clan to protect u if ur strong u make a clan to protect others there is many strategies to the game that pretty much do what antron stated earlier just not as easily exploited to the point of where it takes away from the game play and penalizing people who actually spend some money to keep this site running