Quote Originally Posted by a pinnapple View Post
we do seem to be quite polar opposites on here lol. if the credit wagers are restricted to only clan leaders there might be a way to work things out. the whole credits thing reminds me strongly of the game mafiamofo however, where the only way to control the abuse is to only allow one account per member/ip adress.

the abuse would happen if there were a clan bank for not only money but credits. mulitple accounts could contribute credits with one "main" account withdrawing them. if admin wanted to go to the trouble of making some new currency, one that could only be used in clan wars, this idea could work very well and help to expand the war aspect of the game. the credits could then go to buying members boosts or armor that would be active for one or all clan wars

Yes, i agree, and another thing that admins could do is simply allow wagering legendary items and introduce more gold purchasable legendaries (little better ones as current ones are just like the worthless items, which do not even deserve to be categorised as legendary, lols.)