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01-31-2012, 08:57 PM
I noticed theres about a new member or so every hour, at least 2 a day therefore we need something like a different wiki, only on this. So if anyone has anything useful to contribute with, it would be appreciated!

Fire Horn Bird
Health : 400
Drops : Dragonclaw Ring, Basic Sword, Basic Helmet.
Item Stats: Dragonclaw Ring (Limit 100) Increases maximum energy by 5.
Basic Sword : (No Limit Equippable : 1) +2 Equip Strength.
Basic Helmet : (No Limit Equippable : 1) +2 Equip Defense.

Bosses are the best way to go. The main goal of the game is to be the strongest, so therefore you need a large supply of energy to whittle down that bosses health. There are two methods to becoming strong.

Method 1 : The Long Way : Wait it out and only do the search for treasure with your character, do not spend any energy or gain any experience at all until you hit premium. Then, wait until you have enough damage to 1-hit kill bosses before you fight them up until around Rat Lord. This will result in you given enough time to get maximum rings and amulets, and increase the amount of fruit you receive.

Method 2 : The Impatient Way : Part 1 : Log in , start hitting FHB until you have all rings , then proceed through the boss list, crushing their heads.
Part 2 (The better way) Do search and the lost city quest until you have 2,500 credits, then buy premium account using your credits. This will increase drop rate, then as mentioned above, smash those heads!

Join a clan soon, I recommend an easygoing clan that doesn't war too much so you don't rage-quit immediately. Soon you will have enough gold to purchase the Gold Legendary Items (Ask clan leader if you don't understand), if not, kindly request your leader for gold, if they follow a policy, then follow it too!

*Note* This is not complete and would appreciate additions
If you do not agree with my statements or one of my statements is accidentally false, PM me and i will fix it.

02-01-2012, 08:38 AM
Good yob @Iamawesome.

Wiki must be updated.... everyone can contributed to update it

02-01-2012, 02:40 PM
the wiki has been updated with all info i have on bosses (drops/health/etc)


02-01-2012, 04:31 PM
Thanks tomb

P.S. anyone have a level 1-100 char that doesnt 1 shot bosses? I want to try to add a "Average damage dealt" to the boss info! If you could PM Iamawesome in Algadon or on here, it would be greatly appreciated!:D

02-14-2012, 06:10 PM
Sea Creature
Health : 800
Gold Reward (Total) : 25000
Exp : 4
Legendary Drops : Dragonclaw Crystal

Skeleton Warrior
Health : 1,000
Gold Reward (Total) : 50000
Exp : 5
Legendary Drops : Eternal Flame Shield

Centaur Knight
Health : 1500
Exp: 5
Legendary Drops : Lightning Sword

Item Stats:
The Dragonclaw Crystal provides a +1 energy regeneration benefit every 5 minutes!
Item Details
Stock Left: Unlimited Premium Item: No
Item Boosts
+1 Energy/5 Min

Item Details
Cost: 750 credits Minimum Level: Level 1 Stock Left: Unlimited Premium Item: No
Item Boosts
+12 Equip Defense

Item Details
Cost: 750 credits Extra Damage: 12-25 Points Minimum Level: Level 15 Stock Left: Unlimited Premium Item: No
Item Boosts
+15 Equip Strength