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View Full Version : Mystik Media! What you have done again?!

07-13-2010, 06:26 AM
You design this new Wrath cloak making old players like idiots!
1 Wrath cloak for 5500 coins is more powerful than 5 BeastSlayer cloaks which cost 5x4500=22500 coins. You treat all us loyal players who spent hundreds US dollors buying old cloaks as idiots?
You keep doing this to destroy/hurt the balance of this game as well as the feeling of loyal players of this game.

Just what are you thinking you are doing in mind?

07-13-2010, 06:45 AM
Not at all. This is a very limited time, special item. It's not one to replace another, but to supplement anything you may have.

07-13-2010, 07:21 AM
Admin, what is wrong with your logic?
Are you trying to say we old players will become idiots for limited time, say, 1 week only?

Within this 1 week, all players who pay to buy Wrath cloaks beat old players like hell, no matter if it is within this limited time period or not. You are making ridiculous assumptions that those who paid $300 dollors for RCs to buy 7 BeastSlayer cloaks can "JUST" pay another some $300 to buy this time limited Wrath cloaks.
We are not so rich like BILL GATES, remember this!

07-13-2010, 07:26 AM
I am an older player, as in playing this game for a little while and have come to realize that although I have spent some money on this game, it was by my choice. I know that with time comes new things. This I mac I am typing on for instance, which I bought right before Christmas, is already almost outdated. I paid good, hard earned money for it, it was the top dawg at the time, yet this past week end when I went to the Apple store, low and behold there was a new model that blew mine away. Fortunately for me it doesn't happen with relationships and marriages, my wife would've traded me a long time ago... But do you see where I am going? It happens even faster with the gaming industry, especially in this game. We have peeps that have started months after me and are smoking me at will (Wave, Tyreal, Aura yes some are no longer with us but you get the idea) so how is one to keep pace when you can not go back to Killer Siafu and farm fruits like these younger smarter people are. Therefore if older people are to have a chance they need an equalizer, a new cloak. yes i agree on part that t shouldn't be available to all and it is limited to those above 100 at least. So, with all that being said. things change, people change, games change. Sometimes we have to make tough choices in life that are not going to make everyone or anyone happy. It is up to each individual to come to terms within themselves to come to terms with those changes and make that decision for them self, you always have a choice. No one is wanting anyone to leave the game, ever! I can promise you that, but on the other hand, no one is holding a gun to any one's head forcing anyone to spend money either....

I really hope I helped somewhat. I truly love the game and am at a crossroads myself. GCLU, you and I have a long history of friendship and even some tough times. I think this also is a bump that can be worked out.

07-13-2010, 07:33 AM
Batdan, I have never seen a game administrator so short-sighted developing its game to keep hurting game balance as well as feelings of loyal players. For anyone who has a bit sense of "consumer rights", this Mystik Media behavior is equivalent to scam.

07-13-2010, 07:54 AM
It's obvious to some of us, but apparently the developer(s) doesn't care.

I don't care if there are new "toys". It is my choice to buy them or not, but...

If a level 100 player purchases the wrath cloak, the huge damage increase allows them to farm bosses for unlimited items (stones, courage masks, etc). This becomes a loop as the player mines objects that increase strength, energy regen, extra-damage, which allows them to kill bosses faster.

"Older" players can never catch up.

I complained before about the fact that low level players were able to do outrageous damage by purchasing items. I was pretty much ignored. I expect to be ignored again.

I have to assume that there is exactly one reason for the introduction of these items in this way; Money. "Limited time" generally means that someone will shell out real cash to get the RCs to buy it, rather that getting them through playing.

07-13-2010, 03:20 PM
I agree with gclu and seapig. its new cloak is absurd. i am a "newer" player as i just started playing a little over a month ago. and already im being CRUSHED by players who started last week. i have spent $130 on the game. and it seems to have done me no good. not everyone can afford to spend $300 on RCS everytime a new cloak comes out. and the fact that you can stack this cloak 5 times is absoute insanity. how is one to compete with that

07-14-2010, 07:29 PM
It would seem as an unfair trade off and abuse of veteran players but what game do you see that doesnt do this method. Account for the players who do have bigger wallets, they are key customers. Sure you play alot and spent $100 or so but if things were not updated what challenge would you face. And the cost to run a server is alot more than people account for, on a low side its 10k a month for most gaming servers. They have to have some way to get the money to keep the game going.

Moral values are not a question or priority in a gaming community, marketing is the lifeline of everyday life. We hate tax's but we pay them, dont pay a tax and what happens, you lose that luxury.

07-15-2010, 10:09 AM
Zack, your government doesn't have good capability and good long term vision to well plan/manage/architect your country's future. Every now and then they always lead to serious financial deficit and then they always design something new to lure more new immigrants at the cost of original ppl's money. And they government tell their ppl: "donate something otherwise you will lost everything including your homeland". So the older ones need to keep donating their hard earned money, with tears, because if they don't they will lost everything.

Is that exactly your point?

07-15-2010, 07:15 PM
Well, I guess I've been too subtle. How about this:

1. When a newbie asks me what they should spend, my answer will always be: $25, and not one cent more. Premium is worth the price, and should be sufficient to maintain the game. If that is not enough, the game won't be here long.
2. I will NEVER spend another cent on this game.
3. I will NEVER recommend this game to anyone.

Games are always a question of balance. This game is using the Magic: The Gathering expansion plan; keep introducing more powerful (cards/items), so that players must keep spending money or they are left in the dust.

This game will fail in that approach, however. Players don't HAVE to play in a manner that requires constant cash. I've chosen that path. I'll run the quests and attack the bosses. I don't HAVE to attack other players, so it doesn't matter to me how hard I hit, or how hard they hit. I'll enjoy my time in the clan chat room (or not), and it costs me nothing.

07-15-2010, 07:30 PM
Anyone who has 'weak' sense of consumer right will agree with Zack in the first place, without noticing their precious rights are sold out like a worthless piece of junk. Due to Mystik Media's short sighted approach of running this game,which I had friendly warned them more than once, they are treating us like a cash machine. Whenever they need money, draw a new kind of funny more powerful cloak in 3 days, the rest just let the well running server to handle, then cash out. New comers will be very happy that they just spend so few money and can easily beat those old high level idiot players. I wanna say, don't be so happy about it, beacuse 2 months later, you will be the same old high level idiot players for the next round.

Just as Seapid said, how can I recommend other friends to join this game when I already know how Mystik Media runs this game?

07-16-2010, 06:15 AM
Can you name a game that doesn't? Don't even rant about rights because this clearly has nothing to do with them. You buy the items at your will and no one else's fault even knowing things like this happen all the time. Go ahead join another game they all do the same. If your so stuck on your right than sue them, good luck tho

07-16-2010, 11:08 AM
zack, it is funny you can't state a good reasoning point then you just emotionly want all those against your points to get lost? Is this always the behavior you took since childhood till now when you can't stand your point well? You take things you saw for granted then you accept. When your girl friend in love with some other handsome guy or rich bastard, then you tell yourself who doesn't? When Palestinians have poor living/education/future due to Israel's overwhelmingly long-term press down, then you say because you Palestinian are weak so it is your destiny just take it, "or, you can sue the Internatinal court of Justice, good luck"? When your beloved soccer team lost due to biased unfair stupid judgement, then you say ok this is the world, I take it all. I wish you are really such a man having such a flexible and easy life.
Tell me, how much money you already spent in this game?

07-20-2010, 02:14 PM
It's very unfortunate that we now have to stoop to personally attacking one another over a subject that started out to be a good debate. No of us can do a single thing about the government, taxes, big brother or even how Mystic Media does business. We can suggest and hope that they are good and someone in power listens. Other than that we can vent and try our very best to listen to one another and get along to the best of our abilities, which is not happening here.

07-24-2010, 06:19 AM
he's right, the balance is TOTALLY destroyed in this..
as a result of the lack of level requirement for legendaries in this game any yutz with more bank than brains can sign up buy a crapload of credits and then completely dominate whoever they want
yes its a choice to buy credits and credit items i know, but there needs to be checks and balances
the RC to cash ratio is IDIOTIC.. i mean its completely wrong, people shouldnt have to spend more than 100 dollars on ONE fake item.. 100 dollars for 5 decent fake ones.. sure.. but not 1
i agree that this game is absolutely worth the 25 for premium without a doubt
i've met some really great people in this game so i would recommend it myself though i would explain the "issues" that are commonly talked about
that last cloak is a problem, there needs to be an item to balance it

07-24-2010, 06:55 PM
It all boils down to business and money... in the end everything does. You can't run anything without it and everything is run to make it. It's the way of the world. I'm a player who has been around for many months and I'm not stressed out about the new cloak. Whoever dishes out money to get stuff for their character is gonna be better than someone who doesn't. I'm perfectly content with that and may occasionally buy things here and there but hell at least they don't have a monthly fee! Be happy about that

07-27-2010, 05:33 PM
I think the bottom line is simple. If you want to be the most powerful player against player then you will have to spend some money. If you want to have a good time, hang out with your clan, kill some bosses, run some quests and enjoy yourself, you will not. I will be honest. I have spent about $400 dollars on Bat is my best quess. More than some and less than others. I know there is no way i will ever be the strongest player vs player. I will never 1 shoot any of the upper bosses. I also know that you can ask anybody in this game about me and I am pretty certain they will same pretty much the same thing. Honest, loyal to BIA, doesn't talk a lot of crap, means what he says, plays with integrity and will stick up for the good of the game. Which ever way you choose to go is up to you. YOUR CHOICE, enough said.