View Full Version : Behind the Mask

a pinnapple
11-29-2010, 05:57 PM
as everyone is aware it is within the rules to create a "junior" or secondary account on algadon. these accounts are not, at least to the outside oserver, attached in any way to the main account that the player controls. NOTE: in no way am i trying to get them banned

what i purpose is some sort of restriction. these junior accounts are often left at miseraly low levels and cannot be retaliated against in any way. they will list sometimes dozen of accounts for the meer fun of it leaving many, often clan bosses, very frustrated.

i suggest that since we cannot attack (an attack back option would be great for getting back at some that bounty us but not for a junior account) due to level restrictions the accounts be
a. linked together, accounts that log into the same computer will be linked on the profile
b. restricted in game, only be able to bounty someone less than 100 levels or 10% (whichever is greatest) above your level
c. restricted via clan, in order to post someone that has a level in the 100's or 1000's one must have considerable cash. most easily otained by low levels by being in a clan. once the main account creates and invests in one the junior can join and draw from this "bottomless purse" for all intensive purposes.
since this is the case restrictions could be placed to keep a junior from being the only one left in a clan, such as a clan dissolving after a boss has left (time limit prohaps?) or a level limit for certain aspects of a clan such as entrance or withdrawl.

yes i know this suggestion has alot that needs work but i figured it was best to get the proverbial snowball started. please post suggestions

12-01-2010, 12:10 PM
I totally agree Pinny. A suggestion that something be done has been made before, but you have actually aid down a resoluion, very good ones at that. I like the linked ideas. It is very known that some people have mroe than the approved 1 extra alt. I believe people should only be allowed to have their primary and 1 secondary, PERIOD. This would eliviae a ton of issues. Thanks again...

a pinnapple
12-01-2010, 03:32 PM
thank you batdan, but i think you are off slightly regaurding the accounts. it would be a good idea but as the rule now stands...

4.You may have secondary accounts if and only if you have intent to play on them. However, secondary accounts may not list anyone, including yourself, as the referrer for referral rewards. Secondary accounts may also not be created with the intent of improving another account of yours, or anyone else’s. Any accounts made in violation of these rules and stipulations will result in ALL of your accounts being banned.

people can have more than one secondary account as long as they "have intent to play on them." catching people with that clause would be nearly impossile as leveling once a week would circumvent any rational way to stop them.

to follow your idea though, a limit of two would work well. as some people living in the same house may each keep thier own account without fear of trouble. if they had secondary accounts it could be worked out with bigdog over a trial period.

and just to reiterte, i'm not sure if what programing is possible but those in the same house should not mind much being linked on thier profile (prohaps even have a voluntary "married" profile addition reguardless of the ordeal with secondaries) and those that will mind the change are the ones controlling the listing secondaries.

12-09-2010, 02:44 PM
There is a difference in people living in the same house and the same person having 7-8 accounts and that is what I am referring to..it is known who does this, if you don't then shoot me a pm and I'll be happy to help ya out...

01-12-2011, 04:50 AM
There should be simple rule, if someone attacks us then we should have the right to attack on him inspite of levels. Or simply as said above by senior members, restrictions should be imposed on Lower Ones also, and bountying restrictions should also be imposed as per levels only. However that's just suggestion :)