View Full Version : force war on sleeping clan

12-16-2010, 10:21 PM
Is there anything that can be done when a clan is attack and no one is online. My clan has been forced so many times and when we are forced nobody is online. i think something should be done. Just today i log on with only minutes for the war to be over. Its unfair. They other clan gets more win just because they attack a sleeping clan. Can there maybe be another rule were it doesn't allow u to attack unless three members are on or something. Just my thought.

12-16-2010, 10:58 PM
I do not see anything changing in this regard.

01-13-2011, 01:50 AM
Hey chris sir, there is one thing that can be done. Just like their is option of clan accepting members in settings of admin. You can introduce a simple system that says Other clans can enforce wars on you, YES or NO?

What do you say about that Admin Chris Sir?

01-13-2011, 02:31 AM
Doing so would invalidate the concept of forced wars.

01-13-2011, 02:48 AM
Yes that's true sir, but think about it many people are mad for war, they could be grouped differently and many people prefer the peaceful aspects of game like me, so people like me could be grouped differently.

So I think it would not invalidate the forced wars concept? Simply make it one time use button with a tooltip near it saying that it is one time use only and If you say yes, then you have the right to force wars on clans and other clans can force wars on you as well.
For no, make a tooltip saying, that you won't be able to enforce war on anybody and noone will force wars on you. However you can do official wars.

So this will make groupings - PEACE LOVERS AND WAR LOVERS.....

Somewhat similar to my previous clan which i made with the same name as said above. Peace Lovers.....

01-19-2011, 10:08 AM
if they are mad they shouldnt be playing a fighting game. Thats the whole idea of the game. If you get mad, retaliate. Sheesh

01-20-2011, 01:14 AM
if they are mad they shouldnt be playing a fighting game. Thats the whole idea of the game. If you get mad, retaliate. Sheesh

This game has the option for bossing and questing as well, alongwith chatting, pms etc. so it is very much game for simple people as well.

That's why i said that if two factions are made then it would be great idea, back2eight and also to Chris Sir.

a pinnapple
01-21-2011, 07:55 PM
instead of making it a permanent change to be peaceful or warlike how about a monthly thing? many clans are made solely for the purpose of helping new, lower-level people. if you choose it by month you can either participate or not in forced wars, if you want to war then people will be able to war you as well, none of that keeping 9 players with a jr on hold to stay safe. there would be no restrictions other than the 12 hour "safetime" following a war. also if you forced a war in the last week you would not be allowed to sign up for the "peaceful clan" protection. this would keep people from making a quick ambush then immediately signing the treaty for protection.

03-23-2011, 05:10 PM
If you did that its the same thing what would keep the clan leader from renewing the whatever you want to call it every month if something like that was to be put in place it should have a once or twice a year limit to keep people from abusing it just like they do the war pending at the moment

a pinnapple
03-23-2011, 11:06 PM
If you did that its the same thing what would keep the clan leader from renewing the whatever you want to call it every month if something like that was to be put in place it should have a once or twice a year limit to keep people from abusing it just like they do the war pending at the moment

what i had meant was that the clan leader would have the option after 30 days or so. if he had imposed a war while "open" on the 29th day it would be 7 more days before his clan could hide. if however they attacked on day 13, there would be no penalty because the ambushed clan would have ample time to retaliate anyway.

the pending war abuse is really only abuse when a clan is hiding from retaliation. i have no problem with clans not attacking and simply trying to stay safe with the pending war loophole

if the clan wars were to be more controled, there would certainly be fewer clans that could attack and be attacked. in order to protect the up and coming clan from being smashed mercilessly by older more mature clans there could be ranking sytems (not based on wins) to keep things more fair. this could be based off of combined point value of a clan.

03-24-2011, 01:41 AM
I have a very simple solution to all this, make it very simple, i.e.

Maximum allowed war per clan per day - 1 forced or 1 official (any one only)

Simply if this is set, then if a clan forces war on you, then you have the chance to retaliate. And the other clan can't even hide under pending wars as maximum war limit will prevent them from that as well. :)

03-26-2011, 06:14 PM
Yea but if you were only allowed only one war a day you could nvr have the number one clan but i c where you trying to go with this might just make clans that can eithe be clans that war or not and you get no achievement if you choose not to be a waring clan and no rank but you can not war at all

03-27-2011, 03:11 AM
well, rank won't stay stable. Though it would rise slowly as per the skills of the clans.

03-27-2011, 06:13 PM
I seriously like that idea might just work you have my vote on it

a pinnapple
03-27-2011, 09:58 PM
if a clan could only fight one war a day wouldn't that prevent a counter attack though? to allow a clan to only engage in one war a day would still leave the clan open to have another clan have a pending war with them.

i like the idea i just also like to play devils advocate. "only through fire are things of value made".

how about deleting the formal war block altogether? meaning that that a clan could still be ambushed if they have a pending war?

03-28-2011, 01:52 AM
Yes someone can still beat that clan up, but that's the game, if you are messy, someone else has the right to mess with you.

Simply saying clan A, attacked clan B and supposedly, Clan A won.
Now, Clan B has the right to counter-attack and revenge.

This is the normal case, but in case of some really clever opponents who might be running two clans to have a cheat/exploit of this system, the case would be like following:-

Clan A attack clan B and win, clan B retaliated and win again, Clan C attacks again on clan B, clan D too attacks, and ruined clan B. That's the case i think pinapple is talking about.

Well, it might be a hole in my idea, but i got a solution for that as well.
And that is daily limit again. I earlier told to allow just one war per clan either formal or forced. This one is for outgoing wars. Now put a limit of one on the incoming wars also.

How about this guys?