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Forum: Bounties

Topics related to Algadon bounties placed.

  1. air max 90 pas cher only

    air jordan 2012.. Every website, whether new, old, or just a thought needs to consider the marketing that will be put that website in front of it's...

    Started by Pocket95, 09-03-2014 11:29 AM
    • Replies: 0
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    09-03-2014 11:29 AM Go to last post
  2. bounty kill

    admins not replyng bout my comment about using secondary account . . As in the game rules #4 A player bounty kill my toons for 3weeks is not good ....

    Started by mazemike, 08-04-2012 10:12 PM
    • Replies: 2
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    08-05-2012 07:32 PM Go to last post
  3. Two kills for off of one bounty

    I was bountied, got the message that I was bountied and then killed. No big deal. Then I got a second set in my attack log saying that I'd...

    Started by fitzlauglyn, 01-06-2012 08:43 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
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    • Views: 60,751
    01-18-2012 10:55 AM Go to last post
  4. Smile Bounty Alts.

    What does everyone think if the rules are changed so that only premium members are allowed to place a bounty?

    Started by _Blitz_, 07-13-2011 06:12 PM
    alts, bounty
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 38,069
    08-01-2011 03:51 AM Go to last post
  5. Bounty up or down?

    Everyone loves to take out a bounty. Especially when you have a little war going on! LOL We had a great time last night, however The Brother's do...

    Started by batdan13, 03-18-2010 08:40 AM
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 27,360
    01-18-2011 03:41 AM Go to last post
  6. Limiting Bounties

    Why is it I'm limited the number of times I can attack a player at my same level, yet that same player is not limited the number of times they can...

    Started by vlad666, 06-05-2010 11:06 AM
    bounties, limiting
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 27,634
    01-18-2011 03:37 AM Go to last post
  7. I don't like the new bounty changes

    Why can we not see who placed the bounty on the person or what clan they are in when we look at the bounty page? I don't like this one bit. It...

    Started by back2eight, 07-28-2010 01:32 PM
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 62,698
    01-12-2011 05:39 AM Go to last post
  8. Request Name of Person who put Bounty on

    I would like to request either a message when a bounty is placed on me which includes the name of the person placing the bounty and an optional...

    Started by KittyAustin, 02-14-2010 01:04 AM
    bounty, person, put, request
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 46,108
    03-10-2010 12:23 AM Go to last post
  9. Post Abusing Bounties

    I have seen one player abusing the bounty mechanic like this... When trying to attack a player who is a much lower level than yourself, you get a...

    Started by Belarion, 02-08-2010 10:06 AM
    abusing, bounties
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 22,801
    02-15-2010 11:53 PM Go to last post
  10. Thumbs down Total ABUSE of Bounty by TOMB!!

    I protest this total abuse of bounty system by TOMB. A level 2000+ player who put repeated bounties on a level 100 player and then turned around and...

    Started by PrinCyz, 02-13-2010 09:09 PM
    abuse, bounty, tomb, total
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 25,632
    02-15-2010 11:52 PM Go to last post
  11. bounty messages

    i have been attacked by several people in recent days many levels above me (200-300 levels more). the only way i think this is possible is for me to...

    Started by a pinnapple, 12-08-2009 05:27 PM
    bounty, messages
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 23,990
    12-16-2009 12:02 AM Go to last post
  12. How Do Bounties Work?????

    I placed a bounty on a high level player the other day and when I looked the next day to see the results, the game did not give me very much...

    Started by Andromeda, 11-23-2009 11:52 PM
    bounties, work
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 29,675
    11-26-2009 10:42 PM Go to last post

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