I asked that allmoste 2 years ago(first time). Is it realy hard to make it happens?
Type: Posts; User: Iceman2012
I asked that allmoste 2 years ago(first time). Is it realy hard to make it happens?
Its kinda wile now. So Admins, do we get that option?
Since i havent got eny response... Whats wrong whit game?
Admin told long time ago that he probly make 10x clikking what help phone user.
So wy there dount have optin to buy rc whit phone? I ask that question whit admin over a year ago. Then the reply was, ther will be soon. Are this option gome?
Nice ,Thanks
Are ther gomeing some more things to do whit it? We have some legendary items in shop what we can buy whit gold, are there gomeing more of those?
I dount see eny difrenses. I play whit mobil but allso whit pc. Perf is good. In phone i had log in errors in past but havent got that for long now.
So im Aj from estonia. Have playing algadon over a year for now. But reg in forum some days agao.