but still, simultaneous attack will have an advantage in chance to get loots.. unless the attacks are being done automatically every second, with bosses instances applied
but still, simultaneous attack will have an advantage in chance to get loots.. unless the attacks are being done automatically every second, with bosses instances applied
Similar thing is currently being done by PC Users (simultaneous attacks by holding Enter key, more loots and mobile users still lying on corners getting one fruit of 2 in 50-100 hits and those hits are hard to be carried out as well, unlike PC Users, where you just hold a single button of Enter Key, or F5) @ requnix.
So applying this system won't give PC Users any disadvantage, but only allow Mobile users to do the same as PC Users are doing. I think you would have understand by this better
Now you can't roll back your vote @ requnix, but still you can put in a post confirming that you agree to us, making it more favorable for mobile side. Thanks in advance if you do so.
Last edited by mailmeharry2008; 12-06-2011 at 11:19 PM.
With Regards
Harinder Singh
To admin - You have wrongly named this attack to Super Attack, 10x or 20x attack won't be much considered as a super attack, which is creating misunderstanding in people about the attack, as, it will still take hours for an mobile users to drain his complete energy. It will be faster than previous but still not as fast as a PC.
With Regards
Harinder Singh
badarjey (12-07-2011)
I am just a forum reader but I thought I should create an account to vote, definitely an awesome idea.
It's all about speed, its not like mobile users will get stronger or anything, if they can't one hit bosses they will still die if they don't heal.
Seems pretty fair to me.
Also, if this ever gets into effect, mobile users with thousands of energy wouldn't have to spend hours on a single boss which means other players do not have to wait like crazy for the slow poke to get done.
thanks bnonymous, for making it more clear. And one more drawback by this idea could be clan wars, but that already has a feature which resists people to attack for few seconds before second attack, in case of a 10x-20x attack it will go automatic on that time interval itself instead of a mobile user having to keep clicking like mad on his phone.
With Regards
Harinder Singh
Thanks for renaming thread. @ Admin
With Regards
Harinder Singh
I would love for mobile users to be able to kill as fast as PC users but providing a "Super Attack" button woudl only address the symptom. The underlying cause which seems to be stated above is "Many people" killing "One" Boss. One individual Boss. So since time began, "kill stealing" has always been an issue. Ideally yeah, I think a Boss Instance seems more likely to help. The mobile user would then attack their instance of the boss and no kill stealing would happen.
Overhead may now become a problem, especially for the lower level bosses and new members come on all the time and there could be 100 members fighting for the same boss. That's 100 instances if we do that feature. Yikes!
So while I truly feel for the mobile user, I am not sure what might be the best solution. If we do "super attack" button for the mobile user, you may find PC users crying for this too!
But overall, I tend to go with "help the mobile user out" and yeah.. give them a super attack button. I think developing boss instances might be too much overhead and we just got the game running fast!! (not an insult here to Admin).
Just some random thoughts here don't all fling viscious insults back at me :-)
PC Users has no reason to cry for that, as they are already getting it since this game began. And why would anyone insult you princyz for your nice thoughts
With Regards
Harinder Singh
Be fair for the mobile users. I am also a mobile user when I am at home after work, and farming is just impossible when you use your mobile. Instead, i am wasting my energy for the lvl 200 quest just to maximize my playing hours. This is a great suggestion, thanks to numnutz I believe for starting this topic.
This is not disadvantageous for the pc users since you can also click "attack" ten times in seconds, no matter your connection is. My point is this project will only upgrade the mobile users to have the ability to farm in the same speed as the pc users.
badarjey (12-07-2011)
YES!! It would make life so much easier. Thank you for bringing it into the light Hope you guys decide to do so.
Living, Breathing, Sighing and dying...