Thats a secret @ pinapple that where I got my stats, lol, and thats true, don't suspect it (it might be slightly different, but not much).

And the way you are telling, is accepted fully as replacement of 10x, on following condition - just make a rule of waiting for pc users as well, (just like few seconds waiting during clan war attack, and interval should be so that millions of energy drain take out same time as a mobile user, making equality of physical labor/effort in game, lol.)

And finally 3x still don't have logic, as pc users are more than 100 times benefited and not just thrice in drop rate, in time consumption and in effort/labor, and many other ways as well (like mobile users are forced to chat less to devote more time building their character, forums get low posts also for similar reason, as most users are mobile. In clan wars also the interval provided is very short and pc users kill mobile users as soon as they heal.)

I am personally very experienced (not most though) player, who have played, tested and seen every aspect of game, I report many bugs occassionaly to admin, so I have really fair knowledge of what I am speaking and also about the statistics.

So still saying, nothing is left for arguments. Also I have told chris to check/test himself at 4g connection mobile and broadband connection PC, he himself will get all answers at his gadget advisor account.