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  1. #11
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    I have been holding on to things just for that reason! Humm, maybe a compromise...

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    ExotiCAT (05-11-2010)

  3. #12
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    It goes without saying that the current way Rcs work is completely useless - as someone already stated, only those with the fattest vallet will give a damn as it is now, while all else will slowly become more bored with your game as, say, a person who has played for a few months gets out leveled by someone playing their first week.

    I believe stuff like the pegasus wings and such should be more easily obtainable, say, you get one every few levels if you are lucky. Improving my character is what makes ME exited about this game - but for me it is only possible to do so either by waiting a few years for the daily search to work my Rcs high, or by the event quests. This way, only people who pay will stay attached to Algadon, which is a shame, really.

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    ExotiCAT (05-11-2010)

  5. #13
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    And again...I've bought the shou coin for 2 clansmen who can't possibly have saved a billion gold as yet! They finally found the amulet of Ra and are enroute to show the king. But I digress. If I can use my fake gold for this why can't I hand them, say, maybe 180 RCs for a tad extra energy before the event closes? I may have 2130 energy but my 3rd highest clansister has only 350! Yes, I still have a few RCs left from the time I bought them (after paying ALL bills, of course), and those would benefit my friends at this time more than myself. I'm also making the journey a second time to the king because I dare not level up too quickly from this point on for reasons to complicated to state; but I won't need to buy extra energy for the venture - it will be complete before tonight.
    Please DO consider allowing us to gift RC's we find as "extra" in our stash, at the very least to our own clan!

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    Belarion (05-14-2010)

  7. #14
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    WOW ExotiCAT! Great idea! That has come up in our clan too. I strongly agree with that! At least to clan members if not to all others...many in my clan have said they would love to be able to gift RC's and even energy to to other people. I have clanmates who have an energy regen rate of 150+energy/5minutes. They would love to be able to help people like me who either can't pay for energy enhancing items or low levels (also including me) who can't get energy enhancing items. Both gifting RC's and energy are strong ideas embedded in the minds of not only my clanmates, but other clans also. These are great ideas, and I hope we can look forward to seeing them in the near future of the game development.
    I am Ancient Doom and badabingbadaboom

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    Belarion (05-14-2010), ExotiCAT (07-01-2010)

  9. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ancient Doom View Post
    WOW ExotiCAT! Great idea! That has come up in our clan too. I strongly agree with that! At least to clan members if not to all others...many in my clan have said they would love to be able to gift RC's and even energy to to other people. I have clanmates who have an energy regen rate of 150+energy/5minutes. They would love to be able to help people like me who either can't pay for energy enhancing items or low levels (also including me) who can't get energy enhancing items. Both gifting RC's and energy are strong ideas embedded in the minds of not only my clanmates, but other clans also. These are great ideas, and I hope we can look forward to seeing them in the near future of the game development.
    RCs won't happen because then people would create dummy accounts and transfer credits from them to a central account. However, we do have "energy boosts" on the list where a player would be able to receive one energy boost (or item) per day that would fully re-generate energy, perhaps a crystallized energy flower. It will likely be a bit off, but that functionality will most likely be coming.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Admin For This Useful Post:

    ExotiCAT (07-01-2010)

  11. #16
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    admin, the problem lies in the imbalance of power between those that can pay/exploit putting very little time in and those that can't/don't putting too much time in. while it would be generous, 1 energy refill isn't going to solve that issue. now if we were given the choice between selling those refills (150-250 rcs if they will be flowers) and using them, that may help to bridge the gap. lower lvl peeps would benefit more from the rcs (would also make elites more realistically accessibly to the savvy saver) and the higher lvl peeps would ultimately gain more value from using the item for the energy refill, since they inevitably will have more energy perks from the higher lvl bosses. what you're saying is on the right track admin, it just needs to be observed realistically.
    Last edited by hano0k; 05-13-2010 at 01:19 PM.

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    ExotiCAT (07-01-2010)

  13. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Admin View Post
    RCs won't happen because then people would create dummy accounts and transfer credits from them to a central account. However, we do have "energy boosts" on the list where a player would be able to receive one energy boost (or item) per day that would fully re-generate energy, perhaps a crystallized energy flower. It will likely be a bit off, but that functionality will most likely be coming.
    This is not a problem, and you should know this. Add a level difference restriction, for instance making it impossible for a player of higher level to receive such donations from lower levels, but the higher levels can donate to the lower levels. Ofcourse there'd need to be some more restriction on it, for instance make it impossible to either receive or donate at lower than 50th level.
    Like this, it should work very well and you should really consider it, as it would add a whole new layer of generosity to the game, and so more interest.

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    ExotiCAT (07-01-2010)

  15. #18
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    or here's another idea: make some or all of the higher level (quest/boss) legendaries that we -earn- sellable for rcs and put a realistic max on the uber elite items. that way those that have put enough time in to get there don't have to rely on spending money to get ubers where they've spent so much time and then also the newbies that have money and don't want to wait can still be allowed to buy str if they want to. balance and accessibility is the name of the game. and theres really no good reason why we shouldn't be able to sell back a lot more legendaries than we can now. especially if we put in the time to earn them.

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    ExotiCAT (07-01-2010)

  17. #19
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    Well I do buy RC items but I don't really mess with the population of players who don't. I only really attack or get attacked by other item buyers, so in my case I don't really affect the game.

    I'm one of those number whores who likes to really beat the hell out of games. To me, its a fun game I can use on my phone when I have down time during a stressful game. The only advantage a payer has that affects normal game play is the 25 dollar premium. 2.2% interest in the bank, slightly better classes and better drops.

    That payment should be made by all players I'd say, because if Admin didn't make money, there would be no Algadon. Its all about survival. I don't mind buying a few things because it makes ME happy, and I don't use that leverage against other players. These are just my thoughts, and the players who I am friends with that buy have the same mentality. Just my 2 cents.
    Semper Fi.

  18. The Following User Says Thank You to Bach For This Useful Post:

    ExotiCAT (07-01-2010)

  19. #20
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    Some random brain blah (personal subjective opinions, yadda-yadda-yadda ;})

    There's really two main competitive groups, those with a lot of free cash to upgrade themselves, and those with little (or none) that can't. It probably depends on which is the higher earner, but nerfing/limiting players who pay a lot is probably not a good idea.

    Reducing RC cost, making items cheaper, tradable RCs and the like will still be available to high level players, so no advantage is really gained. The two should not really expect to be able to compete with each other the way it currently works, non paying people (like myself) and those that do pay are on a different level and play style. You're always going to have peeps that try and wreck it for everyone, but as long as they play by the rules, go ahead. Simply spending time, I would expect things to go slowly, though I've found the gains this way quite decent.

    Personally: You don't need to have everything, and shouldn't expect to.

    I know some PBBGs and MMOs go the way of making advantages minor or cosmetic. Such as the current premium option increases per 5min. Or allowing a little more player customisation for a small fee, rather/in-place-of than having to shell out for a lot of loot.

  20. The Following User Says Thank You to Ois For This Useful Post:

    ExotiCAT (07-01-2010)


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