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Post removed
Last edited by Antilles; 09-24-2010 at 10:13 AM.
Post removed
Last edited by Antilles; 09-24-2010 at 10:13 AM.
Left By Wave on Wednesday, June 16, 2010 - (Report?)
Did I buy some RCs? Of course. Not as much as some, more than others.
Ok Antilles thats the bit that i wanted you to read. Lets just say Wave bought only 5 archmage cloaks and 10 energy cloaks, a few power cloaks and then thought hmmm i wonder how the serpent would drop fruit with a luck cloak etc etc etc. I hear your point of not having luck cloaks when you was leveling but to be honest thats just the way it is.
My point is that Wave says he has spent money and is proud of it. why should he have to prove what he has bought to anyone. If you have ever bought anything then you should know that they can help significantly in the way you play!!!!!
Ok if i get this right then roks old character was banned for cheating which he gladly admits and One Eyed Willy(whom i truthfully think wanted to get caught) were both banned and any money spent on them was lost. But to accuse HH and the clan of being cheaters is laughable.
1 last thing is the amount of posts in favour of your opinion. If anyone has anything to say then say it
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Last edited by Antilles; 09-24-2010 at 10:14 AM.
One Eye has been banned for a month and a week, and he was removed from WOD's roster weeks ago, so you fail there.
rok has not cheated since he made a new character and is following the rules so, you fail once again.
WoD has been harassed by Instinctive Nomads for OVER a month since the removal of a certain short bus riding individual, and the repeated clean sweep on their roster resulted in attacking the few repeatedly that were the source, so you fail once again there.
Claiming no one touches bounties on IN is ludicrous. Actually, most of what's been posted in this thread is so inane it makes me lose IQ points trying to sift through it.
Wave and HH are cheaters because they are stronger than you? That argument is a riot. guess that means anyone in your own clan that can beat the snot out of you is a cheater too? By your logic they would have to be, which means YOU are harboring cheaters, character flaw, you deserve the lumps you get. If I could get your general location I would send a waaaaaaaaambulance to help you out.
Yo, nunya.
I think you raged too quick to see the message behind the post.
BTW, mind if I ask who you are? Or is this anon as well?
Last edited by kevbo; 08-02-2010 at 12:17 AM.
Remaining anonymous?
Funny you say follow follow follow, but is that not what you are doing with WoD's side of this?
Or are you just angry somebody is siding against you?
C....none of the above, sorry if I burst your crazy conspiracy bubble. Douchebags are what they are. No agenda, just dislike an assclown like antillies using a clan as an entire political platform against developers. If you need a translation you can comprehend besides "grab your pitchforks, it is a witch hunt, FOLLOW ME" let me know sheep.