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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Arrow Premium member shops discount.

    Hey guys. when ever I had my little $25 loaded onto my visa gift card, I was torn on how to spend it, weither to buy RC and get some short term satisfaction or get my premium access for long term game play improvment...

    I decided to go premium, now I dont know about the rest of you but for mr $25 can actually be a lot of money to justify spending on a video game. So for my money spent, I would like to see a couple more premium features for my buck like preme only bosses (at least at lower lvls) but the main thing I think we should get is a discount at the shopps and a slightly higher sell value on looted items. Even if the discound is only 10% and the resell value increase is only 5% I would still like to see this happen.

    Let me know how you you guys feel.
    Last edited by Robert.c.hoole; 08-08-2010 at 12:55 PM.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Robert.c.hoole For This Useful Post:

    ExotiCAT (08-28-2010)

  3. #2
    Senior Member
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    We get the benefit of better drop rate from bosses and many quests. There are also one or two premium only quests, such as the level 400, which drops fruits and wings


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