as i have recently found out through experince, in both trying a formal war and an ambush, there are several new restrictions on wars.
-first; the new minimun of 5 lvl 50+ player for a clan in order to initiate an attack on them. is this mutual though? must they have 5 lvl 50+ members to start a war?
-second; there must be at least 10 members in a clan to start a war. this is the one that kinda irks me. less than a week ago we were ambushed by a smaller clan while we had no members online. they of course won but we want to retaliate, we cannot. this lead to my suggestions.

if the restrictions are not mutual make them so & allow a way for a clan to be revenged, there are ways around the restrictions now. ex. a clan can pick up a member for a war then kick them to remain at 9 players and become immune to attacks.

just seems like a losing situation for any mid size clan

on a side note, can it be made so officers can start or at least accept a war offer? waited on a clan for over an hour after a scheduled war fell through due to the absense of thier leader.