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Thread: Ridicules...

  1. #1
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    Thumbs down Ridicules...

    That's bullshit!! Changing the potion price and the Cflower price...upping and creating ridicules cloaks for more and more money...totally messed up Halloween "special" quest...etc...etc... This is like the time Chris found out that the BD was dropping wings, as it does, and tried to change it. The players rose up and called Chris on his Bullshit...the dragon stayed almost as it had been, and is now. I call BS and it should be reverted or better... Ridicules I say...
    Last edited by Lord QuickSilver; 11-10-2010 at 10:21 AM.

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  3. #2
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    If your gonna do this to the flowers then your gonna have to do it to all the bosses cause people are taking advantage of them and get thousands of legandary items! Whats the difference? Finally those of us that have the ability to do the 1100 and get somewhat even with the ones that have gotten thousands of those items that we weren't smart enough to farm for and it is ripped out from under us, AGAIN! Yes LQ,I'm gonna have to agree. But I guess my little money isn't enough to have anyone notice, until it's gone completly and the next one's gone and the next cause there are a bunch of us that are getting tired of the "special" cloaks that allow a 150 level player tp beat a level 2300player or a halloween quest, that o-by-the-way takes a crap load of energy, but hey for 5500 rcs there just happens to be a "special" cloak that gives extra energy and some kickbutt damage. DId I mention just about anyone can have it...hummmmm.. Bat's out. Trick me once, shame on me, trick me twice, three, four times shame on me.

  4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to batdan13 For This Useful Post:

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  5. #3
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    when is this favoritism and crap going to stop. I never post in here unless extremely displeased. Well, I am more then extremely displeased, I'm pissed. Chris you always go around f'n things up for players. You don't make it better, you don't increase the game or add any elements that would make it funner...you just rape us ever time we figure something out. All the 1000's of RC's that others have gotten from here should be available to all of us, not just your lil favorites. Suck it up, bring back the exchange rate to the same or better...stop being an Ass!

  6. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Lord QuickSilver For This Useful Post:

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  7. #4
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    There is no favoritism. The adjustment was to prevent the game from being ruined by what was developing and would only get worse. It did not have anything to do with specific players.

  8. #5
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    There are some people who would have never been able to buy any cloak beyond the Energy if not for the resale of those flowers. If some folks were causing a problematic situation, why not punish the wrongdoers instead of the entire site?
    I mean, what other thing could have been developing that would ruin the game, if not player related? Surely the resale value of a potion could have nothing to do with connectivity!
    Last edited by ExotiCAT; 11-10-2010 at 12:04 PM.

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  10. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Admin View Post
    There is no favoritism. The adjustment was to prevent the game from being ruined by what was developing and would only get worse. It did not have anything to do with specific players.
    I call BS! Implementing the Luck Cloak, Wrath Cloak, and all the other crap that you've put in has ruined the game.
    I have another adjustment or two that would return the game from it's current "ruined" state.

    1. Limit any item that has a defense or strength > 100 to 1 per player. Remove any excess already in play.

    2. No unlimited items at all. No more than 5 or 10 each. Remove any excess already in play.

    3. Max HP = 2 or 3 times player level.

    4. RC lottery max of 100RC per day per player

    This would make a few people quit. Who cares? They aren't spending any money anyway.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to Seapig For This Useful Post:

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  12. #7
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    This is exactly what I wanted to do regarding the unlimited items once the issue was revealed, but it was too late....and it cannot be done now because many people supported the game specifically with the idea in mind for farming the items.

  13. #8
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    Again, BS! If you want to re-write history, you can try. There are enough of us here that remember when the Wrath Cloak came out and your response was basically that if you have money, you can buy what you want. When we complained that it unbalanced the game, we were ignored.

    Unlimited items and outrageously powerful items are the CAUSE of the unbalance; farming for them or RC's to buy them are the EFFECT. Now you want to ban the effect without removing the cause.

    It can be done now. Unlimited drops can be confiscated. Give out Crystal Flowers to compensate for the time. Return the RC's for the purchased items.

    The alternative that you've taken so far is to REWARD the people who took advantage of farming, and dissuade every one else from playing the game.

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  15. #9
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    Of course people could buy the Wrath Cloaks. I was commenting on the unlimited items and the reason the Wrath Cloaks were made as powerful as they were (and a couple other ones too).

  16. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Admin View Post
    Of course people could buy the Wrath Cloaks. I was commenting on the unlimited items and the reason the Wrath Cloaks were made as powerful as they were (and a couple other ones too).

    What I see wrong is that the higher end players who have jacked energy have taken advantage of this is for months on end.

    Fast foreword to today:

    1. Said players have gained not only the months in advance, but also potions at the resell price of 18 per sale
    2. Said players STILL have the ability to maintain their several month advantage
    3. The biggest peeve I have had with this thus far, is that you knew about it, and since it is now out of the bag, you do not plan on capping it, giving those players an unheard of advantage.

    And to correct any misconception and rumors anyone may have heard of, *I* was the one who brought this to Chris's attention. So anyone blaming anyone else is full of poop.

    Now, with that being said, you have the capability already scripted into the game engine to rectify this and do it with ease and promptly.

    Those with the mega energy are players above the level 3,000 mark.
    To correct/right this wrong, capping out those who are level 3,000 and above would be justified.

    So instead of listening to ONE clan of known cheaters and bots users, try opening up your eyes(no pun intended Chris, you know what I mean) and hear what the majority is speaking of.

  17. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to anon For This Useful Post:

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